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Minnesota Revenge Porn Lawyer

Under Minnesota law, it is a crime to intentionally disseminate an image of another person who is depicted in a sexual act or whose intimate parts are exposed, in whole or in part, when 1) the depicted person is identifiable, 2) the accused knows or should reasonably know that the depicted person does not consent… Read more »

Preparing Your Defense Against an Indecent Exposure Charge in Minnesota

If you or someone you know has recently been accused of indecent exposure, this is not something you can afford to take lightly. Indecent exposure is something that is easy to accuse someone of but very, very hard to live with if you are actually convicted. You’re not just at risk of fines and jail… Read more »

Minnesota Criminal Sexual Conduct Lawyer

Sex crimes are thought of as some of the most heinous offenses that can be committed, but often the statutes that describe these crimes can be confusing. This is particularly true when it comes to the crime of criminal sexual conduct in the state of Minnesota, listed in the state revisor. If you’re worried about… Read more »